Something unethical?
Something suspicious?
Something to report?
You’ve come to the right place.
Nehmeh has a reputation for conducting its affairs in accordance with the highest levels of business ethics and in compliance with applicable laws. This reputation is the cornerstone of our business and has been achieved and maintained through the integrity and ethical standards of our management and employees, which is The Nehmeh Way.
Message from the Board of Directors
Dear Colleagues,
If you suspect any unethical activities or misconduct within the Group as a whole, blow the whistle using this form. You have the right to remain anonymous.
This reporting channel is completely secure. The reported cases will be analyzed and thoroughly substantiated, handled in line with the criticality level, and initiate independent investigations by professionals.
Please be assured that employees and concerned persons using this form for genuine concerns can do so without fear of retribution and will not be victimized or intimidated in any way. You have our assurances.
We firmly believe that the service will open a communication channel for discerning and honest individuals, like you, who need to communicate any matter of concern.
Any information received leading to significant savings will be recognized & celebrated in the appropriate manner.
Together, we will work for Nehmeh to continue on setting the standards.
Yours truly,
This form is an independent and anonymous electronic hotline system whereby employees and non-employees can report unethical business behaviours that do not comply with The Nehmeh Way and/or contradictory to Our Values. The reports will be directly sent to the Board. While you are encouraged to report compliance issues directly to your immediate supervisor, Nehmeh does recognize that this may not always be an option and has made available this whistle-blowing form for this reason.
Communication on the below form is not traced and information is treated in a confidential manner.
You do not have to reveal your identity to use the below form.
Nehmeh strictly prohibits retaliation against employees who raise concerns regarding unethical business behaviours or any violations to the company policies and procedures. If you feel voicing your concern has led to any negative behaviors, reprisals or retaliation, you are requested to immediately speak up by using this form.
The form is also made available to all Group employees and non-employees. Feel free to write to us in your preferred language, you can select your language/country flag to translate this page or choose an online translator tool if you wish.
You can Report a Concern through the following form (you can choose to reveal your identity or if you prefer, remain anonymous).
Secure Channel | Identity is protected | Use any language | You are safe |